Tuscany Trip for Four Image
One-week accommodations for 4 people

Trip will never expire!

Limited availability in 2025 (Nov - Dec).  Open availability in 2026 and beyond.

This is an offering for 7 night’s accommodations only for 4 people in your choice of 11 properties all located in or close to Manciano, Italy. (double occupancy) Each property features two bedrooms with one or two baths with showers, a kitchen, and a lovely living area. There is no expiration date and the recipient may postpone travel until any year in the future. Y

The properties are situated in the ancient hill town of Manciano, approximately 1 ½ hours north of Rome in the southern edge of Tuscany, which rises on the top of a hill open to the four winds: from the Amiata to the Fiora Valley, from Talamone to the beaches of Montalto di Castro, from the Argentario to the islands of Giglio and Montecristo. Manciano extends for 37,203 square kilometers in a hilly zone situated between the valleys of Albegna and Fiora.  Visit the web site at:www.tuscanresort.com for more information on the area.   

Travel Planning Information
  • Travel is from Saturday to Saturday, Friday to Friday or Thursday-Thursday depending on the unit chosen.                                       
  • If children are traveling, a $500.00 deposit is required and will be refunded 2 weeks after departure date.
  • Trip can’t be sold, bartered, or traded without the written consent of the owner.  Offer is indefinite but subject to availability.

Watch Tuscany Video for more information! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAgThaoX23U

Tuscany Trip for Four

Item #122

$4,000 - 1 bid

Minimum Bid Increment:


